Monthly Archives: February 2015
- 23-2-2015
Angel Jesus Tautimez
- 23-2-2015
Jesus Guadalupe Duarte
- 23-2-2015
David Humberto Hernandez
David is a ten month old baby who has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, inter ventricular communication and inter-trial communication from the heart. In layman terms, this is a malformation of the heart and causes abnormal passage of blood between the two ventricles. This disease causes a growth delay and eventually heart surgery. Mexico Children’s Continue Reading
- 23-2-2015
Brandon Giron
Brandon has been diagnosed with Cri du Chat syndrome. The list of complications caused by this disease are many and include difficulty swallowing, poor growth, hyperactivity, aggression, tantrum, motor delays,unusual facial features and much more. Mexico Children’s Foundation provided funds for travel and medical support for Brandon and his family to see specialists in Hermosilla Continue Reading