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Thank you for your donation to the Mexico Children’s Foundation

Dear Friends,

I would like to personally thank you for your donation to the Mexico Children’s Foundation. I had the idea several years ago to provide you full disclosure and transparency regarding your donations and how your money would be used for the purposes you intended through technology.

We custom designed software (not funded with donated money) to help bring this technology to the foundation and to you. The program is called “Donation Vision” and is now in Beta mode. We would love to update you to show you exactly where your money is spent, so please reply back with YES – so you can receive updates about how your money is being used.

Every time we help a child, the software will calculate how much of your money is left in the trust account and how much has been used to help the individual child. We will send you an update about the child’s diagnosis, treatment or support and what we are doing to help with the child’s unmet needs.

During this first year in its BETA form, the system may have a few glitches or bugs, so if you find something in the system not working well or not working at all, please let us know, so we can debug any issues that may be happening. Please note that the information in this program is built to be very accurate; however, this is not how we reconcile our “real trust” accounting. This is simply intended to be a tool of accountability and transparency. If you find an error in this software, it does not mean our accounting as a 501-c-3 is also “off,” since it is overseen by a CPA and managed in QuickBooks.

Thank you again for your support of the foundation! I am greatly honored that you continue to choose to support the children of Mexico.

Steve Schwab

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